All plans on ftwilliam.com are associated with a checklist type of one of the following depending on the document packages you have purchased. Retirement Plan Documents: Prototype Non-Standard 401(k) - PPA Prototype Non-Standard 401(k) (An...
You may change the Document Checklist Type for a plan using the Convert Plan function in the Plan Menu in the top right. You can change between different retirement checklist types, or between welfare checklist types, but if you need to convert ...
Last Updated: 12/19/2024
in Documents User Guide
The Plan Document software helps you draft Plan Documents and other supporting documents as you complete the online Checklist found on the Edit Plan screen. Some of the data entered within the Checklist automatically populates sections of IRS Form...
Email/Server Settings . Top There are two options: Preparer's Email Program - Users that choose this option, the email invitation will come from the email program (i.e. Outlook, Thunderbird Lotus Notes, etc.) that is loaded onto the co...
On the Portal Branding page, you may customize the look of the portal with your company's logo and corporate colors, so your clients feel like they are accessing your website and not ftwilliam.com's. Portal Page Icon and Title: The fav...
Clicking on the "Batch/Workflow" link within the "5500 Menu" box from the "Form 5500 - Year" screen, brings you to the "5500 Batch/Workflow" menu. You will see the options to Bring forward (prior year) data to (current year) for all plans, Brin...
This function will move forward signer data from the prior year to the current year for ALL PLANS. The process may take a couple minutes. NOTE: If signer(s) have already been added for a given plan and year, the bring forward operation will silently...
The 5500 Workflow Grid (sample screenshot shown below) replaces all the functionality of the prior "Review/Assign Detail Status/Extensions" grid, but has a number of new features. You may access the 5500 Workflow Grid by clicking on the "Batch/Wor...
The 5500 module allows for users to mass edit check as well as lock or unlock 5500/EZ/SF filings. To access this feature, navigate to the Wolters Kluwer Logo> Batches> 5500 Batch/Workflow. From here, select the applicable year from the dropdown menu...
This guide explains the features and settings available within a batch. Before proceeding, see How to Create and Submit an 8955-SSA Batch for batch creation instructions.
To use batch features:
Add plans to the batch using Select ...