How to Set Up and Allow for E-Filing of Form 8955-SSA by a Portal User

Yes for Allow 8955-SSA E-File. If this criteria is met, when the portal user logs in they will be able to select the E-File 8955-SSA button from the left side of the screen. From here the user will need to perform the following:

  • Click on "Print 8955-SSA."
  • Print and Review the paper Form 8955-SSA that is printed.
  • Click on "E-File 8955-SSA."

After the portal user has clicked on "E-File 8955-SSA," he/she will be directed to the main, portal "Welcome" screen and see the following message displayed in yellow:

From the perspective of the user, once the portal user clicks on "E-File 8955-SSA," a batch containing the plan will be created on the "8955-SSA Batches - YEAR" screen and will be displayed as "Locked" and "Pending," indicating that it has been sent to for fulfillment.

8955-SSAs E-filed by Portal Users are billed at $7.46/filing and are not subject to the $16.07 batch fee. Note: The $7.10 fee increased to $7.46 on 10/1/2024.