2.3 Batch Add Plan Year End

Batch adding a new plan year ends for subsequent years is done by selecting “Tools/Settings” > “Batch Add Plan Year End” from the Compliance Tasks web page. This option will bring up a pop up box to enter the new plan year end.

After selecting the year you wish to add, click on “Add Year End”.

A window with the list of plans available to be rolled forward will appear. Note: Only plans that have an existing prior year end will be on the list. Ex. Plan has a 12/31/2015 PYE and no 12/31/2016 PYE. You selected 12/31/2016. The plan will appear on the list for 12/31/2016. Depending on the history in the system, you will be given the option to copy specifications from a prior year end using compliance specifications or, if the document is on ftwilliam.com, from the plan document specifications. The default on the batch level is the prior plan year end compliance specifications. You have the ability to filter the list by Company Name, Plan Name 1, Plan Name 2, Specs to Bring Forward, Resp (*Based on the entries on the Edit Plan page.) and Admin (**Based on the entries on the Edit Plan page.) You are also able to sort by these columns. You can select all plans or choose which plans to roll forward based on your filters and sort options. You have the ability to export the list you have chosen in a .csv. The link is in the lower right hand corner of the “Batch Add Year End” window.

Once you are ready to proceed, select the “Do with Selected” button and a drop down will appear with the option to “Bring Forward Info” or “Change columns”. The change columns option currently only contains the ability to change plan specs for all the selected plans. However, it has been designed this way so more options can be made available in the future.

When selecting “Change columns”, a pop up box will appear.

Be sure to select the check box next to “Specs to Bring Forward” and then select the value you wish to replace for the batch from the drop down for the option.

At this point you have the ability to display a list of the plans you have chosen by clicking on the “Show Selected” link in the upper right corner.

Select “OK” to proceed or “Cancel” to be returned to the “Batch Add Year End” window.

You will see a “Confirm Change” pop up. Select “Yes” to make the change or “No” to be returned to the “Change Columns” pop up.

You will be returned to the “Batch Add Year End” window. From here you can select “Bring Forward Info”.

A pop up will appear to confirm your choice.

At this point you have the ability to display a list of the plans you have chosen by clicking on the “Show Selected” link in the upper right corner.

Select “Confirm” to proceed. You will be returned to the “Compliance Tasks” web page. From here select “Compliance” from the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen and you can go to any of the plans you have selected to view the newly added year end OR to view all added plan years, you can select “Tools/Settings” > “Workflow” from the Compliance Tasks web page.

You will be directed to the Workflow page and can sort by the “Yr End” column to see all the plans for that year end.