5.2. Edit Data Entry Grids

To edit a grid, click on the “Change” link next to current Census Grid or from the Compliance Menu, hover over Census and select the Create/Edit Grids option. This will open the Compliance Grids pop-up box. From here, select the grid you wish to edit (or copy, then edit) from the drop-down box, then press either the “Edit” or “Copy” button, as applicable. Users can also create their own grids from scratch by pressing the “Add New” button or delete existing grids by pressing the “Delete” button.

When the user selects the “Edit”, “Copy” or “Add New” option, the selected grid (or a blank grid if adding new) is opened.

To change an existing field, use the drop-down box under the “Field” column to select a different field, then modify the heading and help text as applicable. Be sure to press the “Update” button to save changes.

To delete a column, select “None” in the “Field” column and click “Update”.

To add a column, enter a new sequence number designed to place the new column where you want it located. e.g. if you want the new column between items with sequence numbers 180 and 190, you would give it a sequence number from 181 to 189; when you click the “Update” button the numbers will be resequenced to 10 units apart. Select the column type from the Field drop-down box; the Heading and HelpText boxes will auto-populate. If you add a new field and leave the Seq ("sequence") information blank, the system will default the new field to have a Seq of 100 and place the new field at the top of the grid. Note that although the Heading and HelpText boxes do auto-populate they are editable and you can enter your own descriptions. These descriptions will be used on the spreadsheet that you download.

Please note that if you modify an existing grid or create a new grid, the first two lines (sequence numbers 100 and 110) must be last name and first name. These equate to the first two columns on the actual grid. Also, when you modify a grid it will have a different unique identifier that is automatically assigned.