Note. SSN Masking is a Global feature that only Master and/or Designated Admin users will be able to access.
Users may print a copy of the client letter with the Form 8955-SSA with the SSNs masked by default by clicking on 'Print Client 8955-SSA - Masked SSN'. This copy will contain a watermark at the top of all pages stating, "Client copy: do not file with IRS". Otherwise, users may continue to print the client letter with the Form 8955-SSA without masking the SSNs by clicking on 'Print Client Letter w/8955-SSA's'.
Users that wish to mask the SSNs from the copy that is published to the portal, or to mask the SSNs on the participant statements should click on 'SSN Masking' (see image above). To mask the SSNs in the portal, update 'Enable Participant Statement SSN Masking:' to Yes and be sure to click 'Update'. To mask the SSNs on the participant statements, update 'Enable Portal SSN Masking:' to Yes and be sure to click 'Update'. Portal Users that have View/Print and/or E-File 8955-SSA permissions with the Masked SSNs enabled for the Form 8955-SSA will receive a copy that resembles the Form 8955-SSA that the user generates by clicking on 'Print Client 8955-SSA - Masked SSN'. Note. SSN Masking is a Global feature that only Master and/or Designated Admin users will be able to access.