Preparing a 945 batch - ftwPro 945Wiz

To prepare Form 945, click on the "Edit 945" link on the left of the screen; this will open the form to allow you to make any required adjustments. You can also add a Paid Preparer, if applicable, by selecting the preparer from the "Add Paid Preparer" drop-down box. To pull data from your already completed 1099s or 5498s, click on "Update Line 1 with Payee total W/H (Sel)" or "All". The first option will bring forward data just from payees that are marked as "Selected"; the second option will bring forward data for all payees under the same plan (i.e. withholding on 1099-R and 1099-Misc).

To learn more about completing Line 1, refer to the Form 945 Instructions for Line 1.

Similarly, users can click on the button above line 7 to autofill the monthly deposits table (only if monthly deposits is selected), or users can click on the button within the 945-A to autofill data entered for semi-weekly deposits.

Once your Form 945 is complete users can run edit checks to validate the data. Click on "Run Edit Checks" on the top left-hand side of the screen; any errors will be highlighted in yellow and users can double-click on the yellow area to see the reason for the edit check.

Note: Forms 945A and 945X can be prepared in a similar manner to the above.

Preparing a 945 batch - ftwPro 945Wiz. 

Note: Users are responsible for paper filing the Form 945s; it is not included in the Fulfillment Services offered by

The 'ftwPro 945Wiz' link, located within the "Batch features" box, enables users to print all Form 945s in a single .pdf file.

Click the "Select Payers" link from the "ftwPro 945 Batch - Year" page, then place a check mark next to each of the plans the user wants to include.

If users want to include every plan, place a check mark next to the "Selected" box at the top of the column, as shown in the screen shot below. Next, click "Update" and users will be taken back to the "ftwPro 945 Batch - Year" page. Click on the "Print 945" link to generate a pdf file for all the Payers users have selected.