FTW Step 3: Populate Plan Specifications in the Conversion Year

  • Plan Specs baseline automatically built - Adding a new Year End, per Step 2 above, will do the following:
    • If there is no ftw document – populates Plan Specifications with system default values.
    • If an ftw document exists - populates Plan Specifications from the ftw document.
  • Complete Plan Specifications – Review the Plan Specs for accuracy and update, as necessary.
    • If there was no ftw document – Review and update all Specs to match your plan.
    • If an ftw document populated Plan Specs – Most of the provisions will populate, but review and pay special attention to the following:
      Plan TypeSection and DescriptionAction
      All DB plansOriginal effective date of Plan (mm/dd/yyyy)Review
      All DB plansPlan Year End (mm/dd)Review
      All DB plansNon lump sum pre-retirement mortality assumptionSelect/review
      All DB plansNon lump sum pre-retirement interest rate assumptionEnter/review
      All DB plansNon lump sum post-retirement mortality assumptionSelect/review
      All DB plansNon lump sum post-retirement interest rate assumptionEnter/review
      CB plans onlyPension Accrual Formula (will usually want “Groups”)*Review
      DB plans onlyEntire "Pension - Service" sectionReview/enter
      *Cash balance credits are further defined in the Benefits & Liabilities task in a later Step for the user to define Groups more explicitly and to allow the user to manage Group formulas when doing compliance testing.