FTW Step 5: Conversion Data for the Conversion Year

  • Conversion date - Ensure your conversion data is as of the Conversion Date discussed in Step 2 above, one day prior to the Replication Year or for a start-up plan, one day prior to the plan's effective date.
  • Conversion format - On the Census page where the grid is set to * ftw DB Conversion Standard (ID: d9d9b16), click 'Export > Current View' found in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will create a file in the conversion grid format. There is also a copy on the ftwilliam Support site in the DB section.
  • Conversion data - Save the file to your desktop and enter or copy/paste data into the appropriate columns. You should include all current plan participants (active and former employees) and active employees not yet eligible to participate. You do not need to include former participants, although they can be loaded and stored if preferred.
    Most of the data fields in the grid are for active participants, and there is a supplemental grid (* ftw DB Census Supplemental Deferred and In-Pay Benefits) to enter or separately upload payment information. If benefits have not been calculated for deferred vested participants, you do not need to add this information, as the system will calculate benefits, similar as for active participants. Please follow the instructions for each field in the grid Help Text below. This same detail is available to View from the Grid Manager and also included when you Export the grid.
  • Upload conversion data – Once conversion data is in the proper grid format and saved to your desktop:
    1. Verify that the 7-digit grid ID on the file matches the ID of the Primary Grid you have selected (i.e., ID: d9d9b16), then upload the file by clicking the upload  (up-arrow) button on the right-hand side of the screen and choose the correct file, then click the 'Next' button and select all the participants to upload by clicking the checkboxes next to their names (or the checkbox at the top that will select everyone). Click 'Import' and 'Done'.
    2. After uploading the conversion file, and if you have known payment information for deferred and in-pay participants, create a separate file using the * ftw DB Census Supplemental Deferred and In-Pay Benefits grid (ID: 720ca0e), and upload it in the same manner, or enter the data directly into the grid on-screen.
  • Update/add/delete data on-screen - You can change data on-screen at any time by clicking on a data field and entering a value or selecting a drop-down option. You can also add participants by using the + button.
  • Actuarial Assumptions in Conversion Year
    1. Conversion Year always uses a 'Last Day of Plan Year' valuation date – Whether you are doing beginning or end of year valuations, the valuation date for the Conversion Year must be set to 'Last Day of Plan Year'. This is the system default.
    2. Other valuation methods & assumptions – Other actuarial assumptions are not used in the Conversion Year since you will not be calculating liabilities or running a valuation in the Conversion Year.