9.3.2. Plan Level

In the "Select Printing Parameters" screen are options to add a default cover letter, select a printing style and orientation for this cover letter and each of the reports.

Having designed custom styles for the client letter and reports, the next step is to select a style or styles to use and their orientation. The custom styles previously created will display as options in the drop-down box within the “Select Printing Parameters” screen. On this screen you can select a print style for your client letter, and for each of your reports and statements. You can either select one style for all reports and statements or you can select the styles individually for each report and each statement type. See the screen shot below - the box in the middle allows you to select a single style for all reports and statements whereas the box below is where you make the individual selections for reports. A further option is the orientation for the report - whether you prefer Portrait or Landscape

See the screen shot below - this is the statement section of the “Edit Print Styles” screen and is available for both statement formats.

If you opt to make individual style selections for statements, you do this directly below where you select report styles.