7.5. Payroll

The payroll feature gives users the ability to upload payrolls, compare hours and compensations from payroll totals to the census, push payroll hours and compensations to the census, and create contribution batches in transactions from the payrolls.

Payroll Navigation

From the home page, select a plan and navigate to the Compliance module. From the Compliance Menu, hover over Transactions and select Payroll.

Uploading Payrolls

Click the "Upload Payroll" link to begin the file upload process.

A sample file showing the format of the upload can be downloaded, along with an explanation of codes, which shows the sourceIDs that must be used and a description of each. Note that the source ID’s outlined here match those in our system in the Work with Sources /Inv Accounts screen.

Once the file is in the proper format, users will browse their computer for the payroll file. The payroll name automatically populates with the file name. It is required that each payroll name be unique. Press Upload to upload the selected file.

Payroll Correction/Overwrite

If users determine that the payroll that they uploaded had errors, they can upload a corrected file and overwrite the incorrect payroll, by checking the box to overwrite existing payroll, and selecting the applicable payroll name. The overwritten payroll retains the original payroll name. The original payrolls will be deleted and the new payrolls in the corrected file will replace them.

Filtering Payrolls

Payrolls can be filtered by using the filter boxes at the top of each column. The columns have advanced filtering capabilities, which are described in the help that appears when you click on one of the filters.

Users can also filter by selecting a pay date range or payroll record name. The pay date range defaults to the plan year, but can be edited by the user to display any date range.

Sorting the Payroll Grid

Payrolls are sorted by default by last name, first name, then pay date. To change the sort order, click the header name of the column you wish to sort by. An arrow will appear next to the header name, indicating if it is sorting in increasing or decreasing order. A down arrow will indicate a sort for that column in a decreasing order. An up arrow indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order.

Compare to Census / Push to Census

Hours and Compensations from uploaded payrolls can be totaled, compared to and pushed to the census. Select the payrolls that you want to include in the push. Once you have checked all of the payrolls you wish to select, press the “Do with selected” button at the bottom left of the page and press the “Compare Census Data” option.

The “Compare – Differences Only” window will popup, showing the list of participants with differences in either hours or compensation. To view the full list of participants compared, press the “Download CSV of complete comparison” link. Select the participant hours and/or compensation that you wish to push to the census, then press the “Push to Census” button.

If you elect to push compensation to the census for any participant, you will have the option to either push the payroll compensation to all compensation fields or only to statutory compensation. Pressing the “Close” button will cancel the push to the census.

Contribution Batches

Contributions from uploaded payrolls can be pushed to transactions in the form of contribution batches for each payroll date, by each contribution source. To push contributions from Payroll to Transactions, check the box on the left side of the Payroll grid for each payroll you wish to add to Transactions. Once you have checked all of the payrolls you wish to select, press the “Do with selected” button at the bottom left of the page and press the “Create Batches” option.

A confirmation screen will appear, requesting that you confirm that you wish to create batches. You can cancel or confirm batch creation. If you confirm batch creation, batches for each payroll will be created and a confirmation box will display the results. Here you have the option to either navigate to Transactions or remain in Payroll.

In Transactions, payrolls with the same source type and pay date will be included in a single batch.

Once batches are posted, links to create allocations from batches will become available above the posted batches. Click each applicable allocation link to push the total amount per source from Transactions to Census.