The Compliance Menu is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen in the Compliance Module. This menu can be found in all of the main pages throughout the Compliance Module and is a handy way to navigate to any page, from any page.
The Compliance Menu is where users will find the following areas of the software:
Hovering over the census option from the Compliance Menu expands the list options to give users the option to edit (navigate to the census web page), download the census, upload the census, create or edit census grids, navigate to the Other Import/Export Reports screen or to portal files. Simply clicking the Census option will also take the user to the Census web page.
Clicking Tasks from the Compliance Menu will navigate the user to the Tasks page, where the data scrub, allocations and testing is done.
Clicking Transactions from the Compliance Menu will bring the user to the Transactions web page. Hovering over Transactions from the Compliance Menu gives user the option to go to the Transactions web page, perform vendor uploads, navigate to the loan module, view participant transactions and print reports/statements.
Hovering over Miscellaneous from the Compliance Menu will expand the list, giving the user the ability to access the 5500 data report, 1099-R Export menu, 8955-SSA Export menu, RMD menu and Miscellaneous Reports (which include the Summary of Test Results, Plan Highlights report, Vesting Export reports and Master File Changes report).
Hovering over Tools/Settings from the Compliance Menu will expand the list options giving users the access to the Clone feature, Workflow, print settings, the Global Participant Search feature, conversion uploads and history uploads.
Plan Specifications
Clicking on Plan Specifications from the Compliance Menu navigates the user to the Plan Specifications web page. Hovering over Plan Specifications gives users the edit option (will navigate the user to the Plan Specifications web page), ability to print plan specifications and compare the plan specifications in compliance to those in the plan document.
Breadcrumbs are located at the top left of every page in Clicking on any part of the breadcrumb will take the user back to that part of the software.
Tabs are located on both the left and right side of every page. Clicking these tabs will take the user to one of the main screens in the software, such as the Census, Tasks or Transactions, as applicable. The options change depending on which page the user is currently in and is intended to help serve as a workflow tool as well as a navigation tool.