To amend a filing that was originally e-filed via, navigate to the E-File Status page of the 5330 section.
Once on the E-file Status page, scroll to the far right of the grid and select Amend next to the filing that needs to be corrected.
Selecting this button will:
- Redirect to the 5500 module.
- Unlock the Form 5330.
- Check the Amended box on Form 5330 Line H.
- Create a new line item on the 5330 E-File Status Dashboard for the amended form.
When making corrections to a Form 5330, the IRS requires an attachment be generated explaining the alterations made to the filing. This must be uploaded as a .csv file using the template provided on the Attachments screen.
It is suggested that this template be downloaded and completed while making alterations to the Form 5330, as it requires the original inputs to be identified.
To access the template, select the Attachment link below the filing that is being corrected:
Select the Amended Return Changes attachment type from the dropdown menu:
Once selected, a link to the .csv template will populate:
To comply with IRS requirements, every column in the provided spreadsheet must be completed without modifying or removing any of the header row or the content in rows 1–11. Here's a detailed breakdown of each column's purpose and instructions:
Column A: PartNum
- Specify whether the alteration affects Part I or Part II of Form 5330.
- For changes impacting both Part I and Part II, create separate line items for each correction or alteration.
- Use the following codes:
- Enter “I” if the change pertains to Part I (Lines 1–16).
- Enter “II” if the change pertains to Part II (Lines 17–19).
Note: You do not need to document changes made to specific schedules listed on pages 3–6 of Form 5330.
Column B: LineNum
- Indicate the specific line number from Form 5330 that is being corrected or altered.
Column C: OnPreviousReturnAmt
- Enter the original value found in the field identified in Line Number from Column B before the alteration was made.
Column D: OnAmendedReturnAmt
- Enter the updated value that will be reported on the amended return.
Column E: ExplanationTxt
- Provide a clear explanation of the reason for the change.
If the amended filing does not include an attachment an error will populate that prevents users from filing:
-->Error: Line H - If Line H is checked, then the Amended Return Changes must be attached.