Batch adding a new plan year ends for subsequent years is done by selecting “Tools/Settings” > “Batch Add Plan Year End” from the Compliance Tasks web page. This option will bring up a pop up box to enter the new plan year end. After selecting t...
Clicking on "General Test" bar from the Tasks page will expand the "General Test Parameters". Here you can enter details about how the general test should be handled in the plan. The General Test options affect the rate group test, average benef...
If you use ftwilliam.com for document purposes, the loan module will only be available if the plan allows for loans. For non-document users, the loan module is always available. Loan Investment and Source Set Up Prior to working in the loan modu...
Conversion Uploads are accessed from the Compliance Menu, under “Tools/Settings”. The options “Map DC Sources” and “DC Windows” are for upload of Datair participant information and end of year balances. You first need to click “Map DC Sources” a...
Closing out the Previous Year Make sure the old year is clean & complete on the testing side. Whether this was the first year on the system or not, before closing out the year you should make sure that the data is correct since it will provide a b...
The system will calculate eligibility based on the plan specifications (age, service and entry dates) set in the Compliance system. For the first year on the system, you will need to enter an earliest date of hire at a minimum to account for service...
Conversion date - Ensure your conversion data is as of the Conversion Date discussed in Step 2 above, one day prior to the Replication Year or for a start-up plan, one day prior to the plan's effective date. Conversion format - On the Cen...
Last Updated: 12/04/2024
in Distributions Setting Up DTS
As an alternative to the default specifications, users may also upload specs. This is especially helpful if many of your plans will vary. For example, provider name, portal access and rollover provider may vary by plan. Step 1 : Locate the “Module...
Time-Based Notifications Step 1: Locate the “Notification Manager” via the “Module Options” button on the plan level dashboard. This can also be located via the “Wolters Kluwer” button on the homepage after login. Keep in mind that notifications ...