This data relates to the proposal as a whole. You can choose to display 2-3 plan options. Plan Year End - Year: The year selected will determine the compensation limit and 415 limit for allocations and testing purposes. Plan is Top Heavy a...
Work with Census This link allows the user to enter participant data. The data may be manually entered, uploaded or imported from the current census in the Administration System. To enter participants via a spreadsheet, click to "Down...
Participant data, calculations and reports are located at the top of the screen. Calculations will be based upon the plan information and specifications that are entered lower on the page.You must first set up your proposal specifications (in the...
After selecting a Plan, you will be taken to the "Edit/Print Menu" page. The different sections of the checklist will appear in the 'Select Section' box. Click on each section to enter relevant plan specifications. Make sure to click 'Update' to ...
If you are an ftwilliam.com compliance user, you will benefit from the integration between DTS and Compliance. The software gives you the ability to pull data directly from the compliance software into DTS for Plan Terminations, Partial Plan Termina...
If you will be preparing your Form 1099s in the ftwilliam.com software, you have the option to push all of the data that you collected in DTS directly into the Form 1099 Software. In order to do the push, please note the following: Your distributi...
The sorting, filters and export features are located on both the Global and Plan level dashboards. Each of the headers at the top of the grid can be used for sorting purposes. Simply click the header of your choice and the software will sort by alp...
You may also update records in batch. Simply select the records you want to update and then choose which field you wish to change. Currently you will have the option to update the Owner of the record, the Responsible for 1099 status and the Status o...
If you need to delete distribution records in batch, simply select the records that you want to delete on the dashboard and then use the “Delete Distributions” button in the “Do With Selected” tool to remove them. Please note, if your record was ...
ftwilliam.com has integration with the following Rollover Providers: In the DTS specifications for your plan, you can indicate which Rollover Provider the plan uses. Once you’ve collected data for all of your distribution records, simply selec...