Q2: How would a user create a batch?


Q2: How would a user create a batch?
The user would navigate from the Home screen > Batches/Workflow > ACA > Select form type > click OK. Note:  The main ACA Batch screen will display the Form Type and Year within the breadcrumb, as well as at the top of the screen. The user sho...
Q2a: How does the user print the forms for all of their Employers/Employees within the batch?
Once the Employers (Companies) have been added to the batch, the user is able to print in bulk by checking the box for "Print" at the top of the screen, which selects all Employers within the batch. The user will need to select the print option of S...
Q2b: How does a user print the forms for just a few of their Employers/Employees within the batch?
If the user only wants to select a few of the Employers/Employees for printing, then they should select those Employers > Do with selected > Print. The user will need to select the print option of Single File (one .pdf containing all 1094/1095s); ...
Q2c: How does a user select the options for Federal E-File and/or Fulfillment?
See  Q2  on how to create a batch first. Once the batch has been created, the next step is for the user to run edit checks. The batch must pass edit checks, green checkmark, in order to proceed. Once the edit checks have passed, the user should c...
Q2d: How does a user select the options for Federal E-File after Fulfillment has already been selected?
If the user submitted the batch first for Fulfillment, then the user does have the option to click on the check box within the batch to submit for Federal E-File if no changes are necessary to the 1094, then "Next to continue through the process. ...
Q2e: How does a user select State E-File for an existing batch?
To select States for an existing batch that was already completed for E-File and Fulfillment, the user would navigate into a batch to click on "Select States for E-File" in the  Batch Options  box. Once the user clicks on "Select States for E-Fil...
Q2f: How does a user select State E-File for a second state for an existing batch?
To select States for an existing batch that was already completed for E-File and Fulfillment, the user would navigate into a batch to click on "Select States for E-File" in the  Batch Options  box. Once the user clicks on "Select States for E-Fil...
Q2g: How does a user select State E-File for a new batch?
To select a State(s) for a batch that has not been submitted for E-File and/or Fulfillment, the user would navigate into the batch to click on "Select States for E-File" in the  Batch Options  box. Once the user clicks on "Select States for E-Fil...