Popular Articles

  1. Part 10: Special Topics

  2. General Navigation and Company / Plan Creation

  3. 5500 Forms Settings, Batch Features

    The forms settings and batch features (Work With Signers/Portal Users, Batch/WorkFlow, Portal Settings and Portal Link) are available via links near the center of the "Form 5500 - Year" screen, just below the Acceptance Status line of the filing. ...
  4. Consulting Official DOL Instructions

    There are two methods of consulting the official DOL instructions. On the main "Form 5500 - Year" screen, you may click on the "I" link next to the appropriate schedule under the "DRAFT - EDIT" heading in the "5500 - Year" box. This will display...
  5. Signing Via the Portal

    Once you would like to invite users to the Portal, you should first lock the filing and add signers under the  Work with Signers/Portal Users  link from the "Form 5500 - Year" screen. Once the form is locked and signers have been added for the pla...
  6. Portal E-File

    If you chose to have a portal user E-File via the portal and later discover an error, then you will have to go back to the plan to click on the draft Form 8955-SSA to click on "Amend 8955". By clicking on the button, the form will become editable, a...
  7. How to manually enter payee/participant data

    When the user is on the "1099-X - Year" screen, the user would click on "Add Payee" button within the "Edit Payees" box. The user will receive a prompt to enter a Payee's First Name and Last Name. Then, the user will click "Add Participant", the...
  8. Edit Checking

    After entering or uploading Payee data, running edit checks ensures data integrity by identifying errors and warnings. Users can perform edit checks for multiple Payees or an individual Payees by follow the steps below: Running Edit Checks for Mul...
  9. Preparing a .txt file for the FIRE website

    Users can download files from ftwilliam.com for upload into the  FIRE system . Note that for 8955-SSA forms each filing is uploaded separately - that is not the case for 1099s as user can upload the .txt files in a batch. Before users are able to d...
  10. Part 5: Census