ftw Proposal Pro Instructions


Overview of ftw Proposal Pro
Participant data, calculations and reports are located at the top of the screen. Calculations will be based upon the plan information and specifications that are entered lower on the page.You must first set up your proposal specifications (in the...
Participant Data/Calculate/Reports
Work with Census  This link allows the user to enter participant data. The data may be manually entered, uploaded or imported from the current census in the Administration System. To enter participants via a spreadsheet, click to "Down...
General Information
This data relates to the proposal as a whole. You can choose to display 2-3 plan options. Plan Year End - Year:  The year selected will determine the compensation limit and 415 limit for allocations and testing purposes. Plan is Top Heavy a...
Proposal Specifications
Enter the specifications for each proposal. If only two options are to be presented under the 'General Information' box, the responses to the third option will be inactivated. You may import specifications from either the Plan Document System (...
Profit Sharing - New Comparability Groups
If any of the profit sharing options provide for New Comparability, enter the allocations each group should receive. ...