Q.S. Tip: If you are uploading employer contributions on the census you do need to set the appropriate override(s) on the Allocation Task screen BEFORE running the data scrub; otherwise the scrub will wipe out the contributions – see 4.2 below. ...
Q.S. Tip: The Tasks screen lists the tasks in the order they should be done. Expand a section to set parameters for that task; you can “run” a task by clicking the icon next to “Run:”. The icon reflects the status of the task – the yellow triang...
For the first year that the plan is using the ftwilliam.com Compliance Module, the system assumes that prior year data, such as ownership, family attribution, hours and compensation, were the same as the current year. You may need to add additional ...
Once you have selected the primary census grid, to load census data into the software, select Census=>Download=>Current. Open the spreadsheet and save it on your hard drive as a .csv file, then either key data into the worksheet, or copy and past...
If you want to change the primary census grid for your plan, click the “Change” link to the right of the grid name, select the grid you want from the first drop-down box, and click “Set Census Grid”. Q.S. Tip: The default grid for most custom...
From the Compliance Menu at the top right of your screen, hover over “Census” and select “Edit” or use the side tab. This screen shows the primary census grid so you can see any census data already uploaded. Also, above the grid, is the name of the ...
Review plan specifications and make sure they are in line with the plan document Q.S. Tip: If you use ftwilliam.com plan documents most fields will be populated and you will need only to review and make minor modifications; otherwise code pla...
Make sure all date fields are populated and in the correct numeric format using the calendar in the box. If you want to use employee number, rather than social security number as the unique participant identifier, you should indicate here under “E...
Select the asset custodian and enter the financial data import ID code, if applicable. Click the “Work with Sources/Inv Accounts” link. Make sure all the sources in the plan are displayed; if there are some missing, click the “Add Default Sources...
The first time in the module you land on the Plan Specifications page with the Sources & Investment accounts section expanded. After the first time you can go to the Plan Specifications from the Compliance Menu box at the top of the screen, hover ov...