Updated Articles

  1. Form 5558 Edit Status and Filing Status

    As of the 2024 filing year, Form 5558 can be e-filed through the EFAST2 system. This feature is not available for prior years or off-calendar plans using the 2023 Forms.  Please Note: The filing of form 5558 is a separate filing feat...
  2. Form 5558

  3. Completing Form 5330 and Schedules

  4. Upload and Download Features

    To upload one or multiple Form 5330s, select the Upload link within the 5330 Box in the 5500 Module.  In the Form 5330 Upload/Download window, users can: Download a sample template and schema CSV files. Download existing Form 5330s fo...
  5. Portal Users Experience

  6. Sponsor Portal- Checking E-File Status

    Portal Users are able to check the status of their 5330 filings by selecting the Check 5330 Status  button   on the left side of the screen: Once selected the filing year and description of the forms filed populate in the dropdown menu: NOT...
  7. Form 5330 Portal E-filing Experience

    Once a filing is locked and a signer is invited, they can access the portal using the link in the invitation, along with their username and password. Upon their very first login, they will be prompted to answer three challenge questions and set a ne...
  8. Preparing for E-file

  9. Amending a Form 5330 Filing

    To amend a filing that was originally e-filed via ftwilliam.com, navigate to the E-File Status page of the 5330 section.   Once on the E-file Status page, scroll to the far right of the grid and sel...
  10. E-file Status Dashboard Features and Functionality

    The E-File Status Dashboard is a plan-level tool designed to track and manage all active Form 5330 filings for a specific plan and filing year.  Accessing the Dashboard Navigate to the 5500 Module . In the 5330 section , click the E...